Jumat, 07 Feb 2025
  • Menjadikan SMATA - Sekolah Lokal - Prestasi Global
  • Menjadikan SMATA - Sekolah Lokal - Prestasi Global


          On Sunday 20th September 2020 ELVAS held an ELVAS new organizers or ELVAS 9th organizer. This event was intended to form new organizers or change the previous organizer and also to increase the leadership and organizational spirit in all of ELVAS members. This event were done by old ELVAS organizer and all of ELVAS members, then was held via online on their own home.

            The first step of the organizer forming was all of ELVAS member were asked to full filled the google form which have been prepared by the old ELVAS organizers. After all of ELVAS members filled the form, then the old ELVAS organizers would evaluate and choose the candidate to be nominated as a ELVAS new leader candidates. Then on Wednesday 23rd September 2020, there were 5 ELVAS leader candidates they were Firza, Hilda, Dani, Ramdhani, and Radit. Then those 5 candidates were required to submit their pictures which had been putted on a twibbon that have been prepared by the old organizer to the ELVAS old leader to be posted on the ELVAS’ instagram account. After that all of ELVAS member were requested to vote the candidates. After all of ELVAS members have voted the candidates, then the candidates had to be interviewed by the old ELVAS organizers before be announced in the ELVAS’ WhatsApp group. Then after all of the candidates have been interviewed, then ELVAS old organizers were announced the result on the WhatsApp group and the result was Hilda is the leader,  Radit is the vice leader, Dani is the Communication Council, Firza is the secretary, and then Ramdhani is the treasurer.

            After that the new organizers have to form the 2nd secretary and the 2nd treasurer from the 10th class. Therefore the ELVAS new organizers have made a form on google in order to decide who would be the 2nd secretary and the 2nd treasurer. After that there were 4 candidates rest and then those 4 candidates were interviewed until there were 2 candidates, they are Muhiyidin as the 2nd secretary and Friska as the 2nd treasurer.

            Then we all of ELVAS members hope the new organizer can do their job well and responsibly.


Terbit : 3 Mei 2021
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Terbit : 9 April 2021
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SMA Negeri 1 Tempeh

NPSN 20521460
TELEPON 0334520670
EMAIL smantempeh1@gmail.com